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Neil Sandilands | “Gooi Kole”

Shot on location in the Kaokoveld, Namibia whilst filming “Die Groot Niks”. June 2024. The jovial lads in the video are the crew members of “Die Groot Niks’. Neil managed to pursued them, after hours, around the campfire, to bust some moves.

The tune does just that… It wants one to jump out of one’s skin with lekkerness. The enjoyment shows! How could it not? By the way, the fella with the handlebar moustache who jives and dives with such vigor is Johan “Kole” Kruger. He really owned it!!

This lekker tune will be enjoyed for many years and braais to come. Cheers!

DP: Jonathan Crawford. Ft. Hannes Visser, Volker Gernot Jahnke, Phillip de Bruin, Waldo van der Waal, Skipje Scheepers, Johan “Kole” Kruger, Nixon Waledi & Johnny Sem

Lyrics: Neil Sandilands
Publishing: Neil Sandilands
Mechanical: Neil Sandilands

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